قريتي الجميلة عمواس التي لم أرها في حياتي
My beautiful village, Emmaus, I have never seen
منظر قريتي الحبيبة عام 1958 وفيها مسجد وكنيسة ومدرستان للذكور وللإناث وقهوة عامة ومقام أبي عبيدة رضي الله عنه الذي توفى رحمه الله في طاعون عمواس
The site of my beloved village in 1958 and it shows a mosque, a church, two schools for boys and girls, and the shrine of Abu Obaidah
The site of my beloved village in 1958 and it shows a mosque, a church, two schools for boys and girls, and the shrine of Abu Obaidah
دخلتها عصابات الهاجانة بعد حرب الأيام الستة سنة 1967 وعملو فيها شيئين
Entered by Hagana militias during 1967 war, they did two things
Entered by Hagana militias during 1967 war, they did two things
قاموا بالتطهير العرقي وطرد سكان عمواس من بيوتهم ومزارعهم
The ethnically cleansed the village and forced people out of their homes and farms
The ethnically cleansed the village and forced people out of their homes and farms
ثم هدموا القرية حجرا حجرا
They destroyed the village stone by stone
They destroyed the village stone by stone
ثم تركوها قاعا صفصفا
Then they left it emtpy landscape
Then they left it emtpy landscape
ثم منعوا البناء وتركوا الشجر ينمو لتغطية الجربمة
They prevented reconstruction and let the trees grow up to hide the crime
They prevented reconstruction and let the trees grow up to hide the crime
وأنشأوا متنزها بدعم من بلدية تورنتو سموه كندا بارك
They constructed the Canada Park with the sponsorhip of Toronto city
They constructed the Canada Park with the sponsorhip of Toronto city
وهذه هي قصة عمواس
And this is the story of Emmaus
And this is the story of Emmaus
للقصة الكاملة ولقصص الكثير من القرى الفلسطينية المدمرة زوروا موقع فلسطين في الذاكرة
For more stories about similar palestinians villages that have been ethinically cleansed, visit Palestine Remembered site
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